Telecom Italia Mobile
Business case:
TIM has in its database more than 70 million clients in Brasil. All those clients together sum up to 20 different profiles, ranging from consumer to corporate. When I join the company the only digital platform to support these clients were the website, not responsive, not measurable and full of glitches and errors connecting front-end and legacy.
MyTIM's new APP for iOS and Android had 3 main goals: Increase the number of services offered in the online environment, improve the current services in order to reduce costs at the call center and boost the sales of tailored offers within logged area.
We went deep in surveys (profiling) and reports (AB tests, heatmaps and usage logs) to understand the whole navigation end to end and where the exit/bouncing was coming from. First the login page needed several layout changes and extra features like save password and lost my password, video tutorials and a friendly FAQ as well as a complete redesign.
We have migrated and improved 44 services into online customer service area. In 2015, MyTIM App reached 5MM users, 5 times more than in the previous year. These online services helped the company save over £3 millions YoY.